When Is The Best Time To Eat Breakfast?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Low Calorie Fitness Breakfast

A healthy breakfast is one of the keys to a great body, good health - and energy for the rest of the day. But what most people don't understand is that you do not have to eat breakfast first thing in the morning. Here's a simple and healthy breakfast recipe that you can pre-make, ahead of time - and enjoy in the mid to late morning as part of a 'meal shifting' fitness/weight loss plan.

While the muscle-heads reading this article will scream out in fear of not getting enough protein - I will calmly note that since I've cut my protein intake in half, a few years ago (it was way too high) - I have not lost a single ounce of muscle, but I do look better - and I feel much better.


Yeah some people may say "Oh, that too late to be eating breakfast!" - but if you are already hip to the 'meal shifting' tactic - then you know how this works. If not - here's a quick summary:

Instead of eating first thing in the morning - you wait until mid to late morning to get your first meal in. Naturally all of your meals get pushed/shifted back a few hours - giving you less opportunity to overeat and consume unnecessary calories.

Here's the recipe:

- 1/3 cup whole oats - cooked on low heat (stove) for 10 minutes in...
- 3/4 cup water

...When cooked - drop on top of...

- 1/2 small/medium banana
- 1 tablespoon dried berry mix (I used Newman's Own Organic)
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon powder
- 1 heaping tablespoon of (organic) ground flax seed (this is vital to my daily nutrition)
- 1 strong pinch of stevia extract powder (for all natural, zero calorie sweetness)

Stir it up...

Add some water to tweak the consistency to your preference...


I eat this about five times per week.

If scheduling this type of breakfast for your self is a challenge - try this...

On Sunday, follow the same recipe as above. Just multiply it by 5. When it is done - divide it up into 5 storage containers - and put them into the refrigerator.

Now you have one for each day of the week.


No excuses!

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